The "Avenue of Hope", Ganei Tikva (2002-present)
The Promenade of the "Avenue of Hope" was designed as a place where people can walk at different paces "leisurely". The Trees will define walking lanes and bicycle lanes. The promenade will be divided into segments, each with its own style. A number of plazas were designed as places for encounters and orientation: the Obelisk Piazzas, the Open Museum Piazza with a Cafeteria, the Open Theater Piazza, several playgrounds, etc.
With all these components presented, there is a leapmanship, a point where it is necessary to jump from "the known" to something else, "the desired"… because making a promenade, is more than putting all the necessary qualities together. "Sorcery" and "charm", "imagination and "inspiration" are involved, and may be the most crucial ingredients of them all.